
Are you working on a podcast?
I can support you no matter where you’re starting from!

Consultation + Development

  • Initial discussions to understand client goals and objectives.

  • Advising on podcast format, content, and target audience.

  • Assistance in creating and refining podcast ideas.

  • Scriptwriting and content planning.

Audio Production

  • Recording episodes (in studio or via Zoom).

  • Cleaning up audio.

  • Enhancing audio quality through noise reduction and post-production.

Hosting + Distribution

  • Assisting in selecting and setting up a podcast hosting platform.

  • Submitting podcasts to directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc.

Analytics + Reporting

  • Setting up analytics tools to track listener metrics and trends.

  • Generating regular reports for performance analysis.

Not working on a podcast?
Other services I provide….

  • Transcription (English, French, Spanish)

  • Any tedious audio cleanup work.

  • Organizing audio libraries.

Sample Projects